Nowadays, people follow different types of diets to get a fit body. One of these is intermittent fasting. Let us tell you that today intermittent fasting is being followed in every corner of the world. This fasting is considered the best diet for weight loss. While following this fasting, you have to fix the eating window period. You have to fast during the rest of the day. However, in the limited eating window, you are able to eat in limited quantities and avoid consuming unhealthy snacks throughout the day. Which helps in weight loss.
However, when you follow intermittent fasting, continuous fasting for a long time makes you feel hungry and starts having different types of food cravings. This is the reason why most people are not able to follow intermittent fasting for a long time. If this problem happens to you too, then this article is for you. Today, through this article, we are going to tell you about some small tips, by following which you can manage the food cravings that occur during intermittent fasting.
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stay hydrated
You should drink plenty of water during the fasting period. Many times our body mistakes thirst for hunger, then cravings for different types of foods start. During that time you feel as if you are hungry. While there is lack of water in your body. Therefore one should drink adequate amount of water throughout the day. This also reduces the feeling of hunger and water also helps in digestion and your stomach also feels full. Due to which food cravings are reduced. Let us tell you that apart from water, you can also drink herbal tea.
Eat a diet rich in nutrients
When you are eating during the eating window, you should plan and eat it smartly. So that you do not feel hungry during fasting period. Some people like to eat their favorite food items during this time. So some people focus only on protein. Rather, you should take a balanced diet rich in proteins along with healthy fats and fiber. This makes your stomach feel full for a long time. At the same time, these nutrients also take more time to digest. Apart from this, it also helps in stabilizing blood sugar level. In this way you will be saved from food cravings during fasting.
keep yourself busy
Even though this is a small tip, it can be very useful for you. Food cravings increase when you are free or bored. Boredom is considered a common trigger for food cravings. Therefore, to reduce food cravings, you can do activities that keep your body and mind busy. Apart from office work, you can also give some time to your hobbies.