NIOS PE Schedule for October 2024, The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has released the date sheet for the theory public examinations for class 10 and 12, scheduled for the October-November session. According to the official schedule, the NIOS Class 10 and 12 exams will take place from October 22 to November 29. Students who have registered for the exams can now access the NIOS date sheet 2024 for both Indian and overseas. exam centers by visiting the official website at sdmis.nios.ac.in.
NIOS Public Examinations 2024 Announcement
NIOS has confirmed that the theory public examinations for Secondary (Class 10) and Senior Secondary (class 12) courses will begin on October 22, 2024. The exams will be conducted at designated exam centers across India and overseas. NIOS has made the detailed date sheet available for download on its official website. Additionally, students are required to download their intimation-cum-hall ticket from the same site prior to the exam.
Detailed exam schedule for NIOS Public Exams 2024 October session:
Additionally, candidates can check the detailed date sheet for NIOS Theory examinations (Overseas exam centres) using this direct link,
Result Declaration and Certificates for NIOS 2024
NIOS has informed students that the results of the October-November 2024 examinations will likely be declared seven weeks after the last examination date. The institute has requested students to refrain from inquiring about the exact result date as it will be posted directly on the official website once available. After the results are declared, the mark-sheet-cum-certificate and migration-cum-transfer certificates will be issued to successful candidates. These documents will be distributed through the respective Accredited Institutions (Als). In cases where the Als have been cancelled, NIOS will send the documents by post to the residential addresses of the candidates, as recorded by the relevant regional centres.