The Unified Council is set to conduct the National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE) tomorrow, December 13, 2024, in offline mode. Earlier, the NSTSE was held on December 4, 2024. For the online examination (with direct registration), students can appear on February 2, 2025. The NSTSE is open to students of Classes 2 to 10. Offline examination registration is done through schools. . The exam is conducted in English and has a duration of 1 hour.
NSTSE exam syllabus
For Class 1:
- Mathematics: Numbers up to 100, Ordinal numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Lengths, weight, capacity, Time, Money, Geometrical Shapes.
- General Science: Living & Non-living things, Plant life, Animal life, Human body, Air water & weather.
For Class 2:
- Mathematics: Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Length, Weight, Capacity, Time, Money, Shapes.
- General Science: Living & Non-living things, Plant life, Animal life, Human body, Air water & weather, Rock and Minerals, Our universe.
For Class 3:
- Mathematics: Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Length, Weight, Capacity, Time, Money, Shapes.
- General Science: Living & Non-living things, Plant life, Animals their food & Home, birds: beaks claws & nests of the birds, Soil, Air water and weather, Our universe, Human body, Safety & first aid.
- Critical Thinking: This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher order thinking.
For Class 4:
- Mathematics: Large Numbers, Roman numerals, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and division, Factors and Multiples, Fractions, Length, Weight, Capacity, Time, Geometry, Perimeter and area.
- General Science : Plant life – I, Plant life – II, Animal life – I, Animal life – II, Food & Digestion, Health & Hygiene, Teeth & Microbes, Safety & First aid, Our clothes, Air water and weather, Our universe .
- Critical Thinking: This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher order thinking.
For Class 5:
- Mathematics : Large Numbers, Factors and multiples, Fractions and Decimals, Measurement of Length, Weight, Capacity, Volume, Time, Temperature, Conversions, Percentages, Ratios, Speed distance and time, Simple interest, Profit and loss, Geometry, Perimeter and area .
- General Science: Plant life, Animal life – II, Human body – I, Human body – II, Soil Rocks & Minerals, Air water and weather, The moon, Matter, Force work & energy.
- Critical Thinking: This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher order thinking.
For Class 6:
- Mathematics : Knowing our Numbers, Whole Numbers, Playing with Numbers, Basic Geometrical Ideas, Understanding Elementary Shapes, Integers, Fractions, Decimals, Data Handling, Mensuration, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion.
- Physics: Motion and Measurement of distances, Light shadows and reflections, Electricity and circuits. Chemistry: Sorting materials into groups, Separation of substances. Biology : components of food, Plants, Body movements, Living organisms and their surroundings
- Critical Thinking: This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher order thinking.
For Class 7:
- Mathematics: Integers, Fractions and Decimals, Data Handling, Simple Equations, Lines and Angles, Triangle and its Properties, Comparing Quantities, Rational Numbers, Perimeter and Area, Algebraic Expressions, Exponents and Powers, Symmetry.
- Physics: Motion and time, Heat, Electric Current and its Effects. Chemistry: Physical and chemical changes, Acids bases and salts, Water – A precious resource. Biology: Nutrition in plants, nutrition in animals, Organization in living beings, Respiration in organisms, Transportation in living beings, Reproduction and growth in plants.
- Critical Thinking: This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher order thinking.
For Class 8:
- Mathematics: Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots, Comparing Quantities, Algebraic Expressions and Identities, Mensuration, Exponents and Powers, Direct and Inverse Proportions, Factorization.
- Physics: Force and Pressure, Friction, Sound, Chemical effects of electric current, Some natural phenomena, Light. Chemistry: Coal and petroleum, Combustion and flame. Biology: Food production and management, Microorganisms, Conservation of plants and animals, Reproduction in animals.
- Critical Thinking: This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher order thinking.
For Class 9:
- Mathematics : Number Systems, Polynomials, Co-ordinate Geometry, Linear Equations in Two Variables, Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry, Lines and Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Heron’s Formula, Surface Areas and Volumes.
- Physics: Motion, Force and laws of motion, Gravitation & Pressure, Work energy & power. Chemistry: Matter in our surroundings, It matters around us pure, atoms and molecules. Biology: Cell, Tissues, Improvement in food resources.
- Critical Thinking : This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher order thinking
For Class 10:
- Mathematics : Real Numbers, Polynomials, Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progressions, Triangles, Co-ordinate Geometry, Introduction to Trigonometry, Some Applications of Trigonometry, Circles, Areas Related to Circles, Surface Areas and Volumes.
- Physics: Light, reflection & refraction, The human eye and the colorful world, Electricity, Magnetics effects of electric current. Chemistry: Chemical reactions & equations, Acids bases and salts, Metals & non-metals, Carbon and its compounds. Biology: Life processes, Control & Co-ordination, Reproduction, Our Environment.
- Critical Thinking: This section includes a combination of skills like conscious application in real life, Logical & Inductive Reasoning, Tactics & Strategies in decision making, higher order thinking.
NSTSE exam pattern:
As per the official website, the following is the exam pattern for the NSTSE examination:
- For Class 1, Mathematics will have 15 questions and General Science will have 25 questions.
- For Class 2, Mathematics will have 20 questions and General Science will have 30 questions. For Class 3 to 5, Mathematics will have 25 questions, General Science will have 30 questions and Critical Thinking will have 5 questions.
- For Classes 6 to 10, Mathematics will have 25 questions, Physics will have 10 questions, Chemistry will have 10 questions, Biology will have 10 questions and Critical Thinking will have 5 questions.
Candidates can click on this links to check the official sample papers for the NSTSE exam 2024-25.
For more information, candidates are advised to visit the official website of the Unified Council or can click here,