Dehydration is a serious problem during the winter season. Even though the amount of sweat is less in winter, there can be a problem of dehydration. Due to lack of water in the body, many important processes start getting affected. Therefore, adequate amount of water should be consumed even in winter. Always try to keep your body hydrated. According to health experts, the body needs water to carry out all its processes properly. In such a situation, today through this article we are going to tell you about some such symptoms, by which you can find out whether there is a shortage of water in your body. Because in cold we feel less thirsty and we are not able to pay much attention to hydration.
feeling tired and weak
It is common to feel tired and weak due to lack of water in the body. If you are feeling more weak or tired in winter, the reason behind it could be dehydration. Cells and organs need water to function properly. If there is lack of water, the cells are not able to do their work properly. At the same time the energy level of the body also decreases. Because of this there is a feeling of fatigue and weakness. If you also see similar symptoms, then make sure that there is no shortage of water in the body.
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dryness in skin
The biggest sign of lack of water is dryness in the skin. When there is lack of hydration in the body, the moisture of the skin also starts decreasing. Due to this, dryness and stretch is felt in the skin. The air is dry in winter, due to which the problem of dryness can increase further. Due to lack of water in the body, it also affects the blood flow. Due to lack of water the skin starts looking withered.
dry mouth
Due to dehydration, there is dryness in the mouth and eyes. Dry mouth is a sign of lack of water in the body. Due to lack of water in the body, the process of tear production is adversely affected and the eyes appear dry. This problem is more serious in winter, because in this season people drink less water and there is less moisture in the atmosphere. Let us tell you that due to dry mouth, there is no feeling of freshness.
stomach problems
Due to lack of water in the body, many stomach related problems can occur. Due to this our digestion becomes slow and constipation may occur. People often drink less water during winter season and due to lack of water in the intestines, metabolism slows down. Problems of gas, indigestion and constipation may arise. It can also cause weight gain. In such a situation, to maintain adequate amount of water in the body, one should drink water frequently and strengthen the digestive system.
heaviness and pain in the head
If you have a headache during the winter season, it can also be a symptom of dehydration. Lack of water in the body affects blood flow and brain functioning. Due to which the problem of headache occurs. Due to lack of water in our body cells, every organ is not able to function properly. This discomfort may cause headache. We all wear warm clothes to protect ourselves from cold. At the same time, drinking less amount of water can cause headache problem regularly.