People often use expensive and expensive products to improve their face. But let us know that the secret of glowing skin is hidden in our food. Because if there is hormonal imbalance in your body, food is not healthy or there is a lack of stress and nutrients in the body. So how much skin care you do, your face will not be enhanced. Because whatever we eat, its effect is visible not only on our body but also on our skin.
Explain that people whose stomach is not clean or those who eat too much unhealthy. Glow starts losing glow from their face. In such a situation, through this article, we are going to tell you about some drinks, which will make the skin healthy and will improve the face.
Also read: Health Tips: Drinking almond milk can cause some disadvantages, know know
Aloe vera juice
Aloe vera juice is found in sufficient amounts of vitamin C and anti-oxidants. It helps your skin to repair healthy, damage skin and reduce the aging sign as well as maintain the glow of the skin. Consuming this juice keeps the skin hydrated from inside and provides nutrition from inside. Drinking aloe vera juice also reduces skin soft and pigmentation. Every morning, 15 ml aloe vera juice should be mixed in a glass of water.
Sabza and Eleive Seeds Water
Subza seeds are found in plenty of flavonoids and anti-oxidants. At the same time, omega-3 and vitamin E are found in large quantities in elev seeds. It has anti-aging properties. So if you want to make your skin healthy and glowing, then you should drink half a teaspoon vegetable and elev seeds in 1 glass of water.
Raw turmeric water
Drinking raw turmeric water provides anti-oxidants to the body. It also reduces oxidative stress. It detoxes your body and reduces inflammation. At the same time, drinking raw turmeric water improves the face.
Flax seeds water
Explain that sufficient amount of lignan, fiber, anti-oxidant and vitamin E are found in flax seeds. All these micronutrients work to make the skin healthy and glowing. So drink 1 teaspoon of roasted and ground flax seeds mixed with a glass of water.