the challenge of studying computer science at IITB among the cream just went up a notch higher to touch a perfect 10—all the top 10 all-India rankers in JEE are joining the Powai campus. Twenty-four of the first 25 and 47 of the top 50 have followed suit and decided to pick the same college over other tech schools at the close of admissions of 2024-28.And when one looks at the top 100, 72 have opted for IIT-Bombay as their first choice.
While IIT-Madras was in charge of conducting the Joint Seat Allocation, it did not share data on the seat allocation even after the admissions closed for the batch of 2024. Data shared by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay shows that of the top 500, 179 have chosen IITB. . Last year, 69 of the top 100 got a seat in IITB, although computer science at IITB was the first choice of 93 of the top 100 rankers.
Welcoming the new entrants, the IITB Director Shireesh Kedare said, “I am proud that IIT Bombay remains the preferred destination for most of the top rankers in the JEE (Advanced) examination. We welcome the students and congratulate them for having selected the best educational path, suited to their aspirations and goals.”
Girls have also made a clear choice. And 16 of the top 500 girls have arrived in Mumbai and 29 girls and 217 boys of the top 1000 have picked IITB as their campus for the next four years.
On each IIT campus, the top 100 students are considered as the rich creamy icing. About thirty years ago, IIT-Kharagpur was the engineering mecca. The oldest IIT of the country, IIT-Kharagpur did not receive a single student from the top hundred this year; and before that, in 2004, only three of the top 100 went there. A former JEE chairman explained, “While Bombay and Delhi were still building themselves, Kharagpur’s students had already occupied top positions in big companies. Students looked at Kharagpur’s illustrious alumni and rushed there. Now this has changed.” Kanpur ruled the charts after that.
A decade ago admission to the IIT-Kanpur ensured demi-god treatment. Only the brightest and the best could get past the gates there. No longer. Of the top 100 JEE-2019 rankers, considered the elite group among engineering aspirants around the country, 64 students preferred to join IIT-Bombay over any other IIT. This was followed by Delhi where 33 of the top-100 were admitted.
“Students who are clear about the streams they want to join opt for an NIT or an IIIT if they don’t secure a place in any of the IITs for that particular branch,” said a J.O.S.A.A. faculty.