The festival of Diwali brings happiness as well as parties. There is definitely celebration and party with family and friends. Even a party is considered incomplete without food. During the festival of Diwali, people enjoy eating tasty dishes and delicious sweets, but their weight also increases. During festivals, we all increase our weight. If you want to manage your weight during Diwali, then control it in this way. Focus on this fitness chart and celebrate a healthy Diwali with your loved ones without skipping celebrations and foods.
Eat according to your body type
If you are losing weight or building body muscles. So eat according to your body type. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to taste every sweet kept on the plate or brought home. If you like something, eat it only in small quantities. With this you will also be satisfied and your weight will also remain under control.
eat small meals only
If you are feeling very hungry, it does not mean that you should eat a lot of food. It is better that you keep eating small amounts in between. This keeps food from getting digested and you can avoid eating too much.
eat healthy things
You were prevented from getting non-fried snacks all the time. If you can find and eat some healthy options. If you are having parties or celebrations with friends, see which option is less fried or sweet than the others. You can eat it. It is best to eat home cooked food.
stay fit like this
If the gym is closed during festival time then you can walk. You can make a walk plan with friends. Keep climbing the stairs. So that you maintain your physical activity and burn extra calories.
can dance
If you like a fun atmosphere, you can sing and dance. Dancing will not only be fun but will also keep you fit.
can help with household chores
During festival time, mother does all the work alone at home. So help with cleaning and household chores. With this you will be able to remain physically active but your weight will also not increase.