We all face many problems in winter weather. One of these problems is swelling in the toes. Due to cold, fingers start itching and they turn red and blue. Let us tell you that such a situation occurs when there is insufficient supply of blood to the hands and legs. But there is nothing to worry about. If this problem also happens to you in winter, then this article is for you. Today, through this article, we are going to tell you about some measures suggested by experts, by adopting which you can avoid this problem.
How to get relief from chilblains
According to health experts, if you have this problem, you should consume foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. You should include walnuts and flax seeds in your diet. Because it improves blood circulation and improves blood supply. This ensures proper blood circulation in the hands and feet.
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Along with this, you should include iron-rich food items like beetroot and spinach vegetables in your diet. This improves blood circulation in the body. Because when there is iron deficiency in the body, blood circulation is hindered. Due to this, swelling and change in color may also be seen in the feet.
To avoid the problem of chilblains, you should drink turmeric milk. Inflammatory properties are found in turmeric, which provide relief from pain and swelling. Drinking turmeric milk provides warmth to the body from within and improves blood circulation.
In winter season it is important that you protect yourself from cold. You should also protect your hands and feet from the cold. In winter, wear warm gloves and socks etc. to keep your hands and feet warm. Due to which blood circulation remains good in the fingers.
To keep the body warm from inside, you can do some physical activities regularly. Like walking, running or doing light exercise. This improves blood circulation.
You can do a light massage to protect your hands and feet from cold. This improves blood circulation and also reduces the strain on the veins.