In today’s time, awareness about health and fitness has increased among people. In such a situation, people do exercise and yoga etc. daily to stay fit and healthy. In such a situation, if you also want to remain fit and healthy for a long time, then definitely clap for some time along with nutritious elements in your diet and daily exercise. Even though you may find it a bit strange to hear, but by clapping you can keep yourself away from many diseases. This not only improves your physical health but also your mental health.
According to health experts, clapping hands and feet improves blood circulation of the internal organs like gall bladder, kidney, liver, heart, eyes, brain, pancreas and the entire body and maintains energy in the body. By doing this exercise, every part of the body gets nutrition and you remain healthy. Apart from this, diabetes and blood pressure can be controlled well and the risk of heart and kidney related diseases also reduces.
Also read: Liver Toxicity Symptoms: Toxic hepatitis can cause damage to the liver, know its symptoms and treatment.
Benefits of clapping feet
Blood circulation will improve
Clapping the soles of the feet with hands daily opens the veins of the feet and improves blood flow.
Acupressure points become active
Let us tell you that there are many such acupressure points in the feet, which are connected to many parts of the body. These acupressure points are activated by clapping the hands on the soles of the feet. Due to which your health remains good.
you will be relaxed
Practicing this exercise daily benefits physical and mental health. This keeps the mind calm and the body gets rest.
stress will reduce
Clapping releases hormones called endorphins and serotonin in the body. Which help in keeping our mood right. Also, doing this exercise daily helps in dealing with problems like anxiety and depression and negative thoughts do not come in the mind. Doing this exercise helps in concentrating.
foot pain relief
By doing this exercise the tension in the leg muscles is relieved. Which provides relief from leg pain.
Immunity becomes stronger
If you also want to boost your immunity, then you should clap like this daily. This increases blood circulation in the body and all the body parts start working faster.
memory starts increasing
Let us tell you that a person suffering from the habit of forgetting should clap daily. This improves memory. This happens because the nerves of the hand are connected to the brain.
method of clapping
For this, first of all sit with your back straight.
Then sit in Vajrasana position.
Now sit placing the right foot on top of the left foot.
Then tap the sole with both hands.
Do this process for 10 minutes daily.
By doing this process daily, changes will be visible in the body within 21 days.