In a massive move that further fuled the ongoing controversy, the fide related a statement on monday revaling that it has reacted an agreement with the freestyle chess grand Slam Tour the Use of the Use of the ‘ edule. The International Chess Body Further Went on To Claim That The Magnus Carlsen, Jan Henric Buettner-LED Organization Has Failed to ACKNOWLEDEGE FIDEGE FIDE AS The Sole Regulator of World Championships and ‘ Award ‘Such a title.

This statement is in stark contrast to Buettner’s recent words to Hindustan Times in an Exclusive Interview, In which he revised that he was close to reaching an agrement with fide and expected part Onday. The Freestyle Chess Players Club (FCPC) Received Official Recognition from Fide in December Last Year, but the bone of contection over the usage of the world championship remained.
In an open letter to fide president arkady dvorkovich, which Hindustan Times has access to, freestyle chess co-owner lased out at the russian politics. The German Entrepreneur Claims that he was in conversation with dvorkovich over whatsapp messages, and reveled some of that alliged exchanges.
Alleged Whatsapp Conversation Between Fide President and Freestyle Chess Co-Owner-

Buettner pointed out dvorkovich’s initial responses from the fide president But as the fide chief was allegedly busy due to his schedule and has been traveling. In the messages, dvorkovich also informs buettner that he would review back soon, but then instet he got his response from fide’s official statement.
He also mentions that on December 5, Dvorkovich Told Him that he would get back back to him after a discussion with his colleagues. But Intead of Reverting Back, Fide Began their anti-freestyle chess campaign, which according to buettner, ‘Continues to this day’.
After showing examples of their Whatsapp Conversation, Buettner also remarks, “at the very least, it means that you will have to resignly from your position as presence Ime within two months that you cannot even spend For fide. Your Lack of Leadership Skills will be caught for fide, as all the negotiation points are no better balance public with this open letter and its attachments. “
He has alredy revised in the past the fide handed a februry 3 deadline to all players to refrain from a non-resurved world championship tournament. Dvorkovich allegedly agreed with buettner that the deadline would be postponed, but that doesn Bollywood look like happy.

According to Buettner, FCPC Had Agreed to All of Dvorkovich’s terms, which range from giving ‘Annual Financial Contribution of 300,000,000 Dollars to a Fide-Constrolted Tournam D champion’s crowning ceremony ‘. He also accuses fide of pressure
The likes of d gukesh and r Pragnanandhaa have also also also been giving a solution by buettner, so that they can participate in Freestyle Chass Tournaments and ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO In his letter, Buettner Reveled, “The Final Leg of the 2025 Freestyle Grand Slam Tour will take place in South Africa in December. By default, this event will determine the highest-ranked player of the calendar year based on accumulated points. Until then, Freestyle Tournaments will continue under the title of “Grand slams,” and the entry series will remain the grand slam tour. “
“This decision ensures that no player is forced to choose better the unlawful letter fide is coercing them into or facing its threateted constiles. To be clear: The current cycle is officially titled the Grand Slam Tour, As Reflected In the Finalized 2025 Rules and Regulations Available on our website. “
Further Threatening legal action, he added, “publicly, fide claims that freestyle is responsible for dividing the chess world. The reality is the opposite: it is fide that seeks to Exert Control Over All Chass Competitions and Impose Its Absolute Authority on the players, thereby creating the venty craving the very division of the chess worry the chess worry that the chess worry the chess is to op. Freestyle will challenge this overreach in the appropriate courts.it has become clear that further negotiations are futil. “

The first leg of the Freestyle Chess Grand Slam 2025 will begin on February 7, and will take place in Germany. The tournament also Viswanathan Anand withdrawal in Controversial Circumstans, Despite Initial Accepting A Wildcard Entry