Eating sesame seeds is very beneficial for our health. From dieticians to Ayurveda, people recommend eating them in cold weather. Sesame seeds have a warming effect and help protect our body from diseases. But many people are not aware that a handful of sesame seeds contain 5 times more calcium than a glass of milk. Consuming sesame seeds properly strengthens bones and major benefits of spinach and dark chocolate are also found in a handful of sesame seeds.
According to health experts, if you consume sesame seeds in two ways, you will continue to get its benefits throughout your life. If your teeth have become weak or you have the problem of pyorrhoea, then this can help in curing that also. At the same time, by consuming it properly, hair will also stop turning prematurely. So let us know about the correct way of using sesame seeds…
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Bones will get strength
Calcium is needed to make bones strong. Sesame seeds provide 5 times more calcium than milk. The mineral makes the bones thick and prevents them from becoming weak. Along with this, protein, fiber and many anti-oxidants are found in these small seeds.
Properties of spinach and dark chocolate are present
According to health experts, a handful of sesame seeds contain 100 grams of iron as much as spinach. There is as much magnesium found in dark chocolate. While iron is necessary for making blood, the work of magnesium is to keep the brain, heart, bones and sleep healthy.
Consume sesame seeds with these things
Mix dry coconut, pumpkin seeds, black sesame, flax seeds, amla powder, threaded sugar candy together and make a powder. Eat 1-1 teaspoon of this 2-3 times a day for a month. Consuming it will give new life to your hair and the problem of hair fall, breakage and premature graying will end.
Oral health will be better
To improve oral health, gargle with sesame oil in the mouth for 5 to 10 minutes. With this remedy, the problems of pyorrhea, bad breath, swollen gums and loose teeth will be cured in just a week. This remedy improves oral health and protects teeth from black and yellow dirt.