Women take care of the members of the entire house. But many times she starts being negligent about her health. Due to which they have to face health problems. Therefore, women should follow a good diet to take care of their health. Because when your food is good, your health will also be good. In such a situation, if you also want to keep your health good, then you should start consuming nutrients rich in diet.
Actually, if you consume nutrients rich in your daily routine with home and professional life, then it is beneficial for your health. By consuming these seeds, the body will also get nutrients and you will also avoid eating unhealthy. In such a situation, today through this article, we are going to tell you about those seeds, which are very beneficial for the health of women.
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Linseed seeds
Explain that linseed is called the mine of properties. It is found in plenty of omega 3 fatty acids, which is beneficial for intestinal health. Being rich in fiber, it is also considered very effective in weight loss. At the same time, it also supports estrogen metabolism. Fry its seeds and store it in airtight container. Then eat 1-2 teaspoons in breakfast every morning and eat it. If you want, you can also make a drink.
Pumpkin seeds
The nutrients found in pumpkin seeds are beneficial in hair health to hormone balance. In these, zinc is found in plenty, which balances unbalanced hormones. At the same time, it is helpful in getting relief from stress. Pumpkin seeds support the thyroid function and also helps to improve sleep. You can consume it in many ways. If you want, you can roast it and consume one spoon in the morning. Or you can also include smoothie or breakfast.
Sesame seeds
At the same time, sesame seeds are also called the powerhouse of minerals. Sesame seeds are rich in protein, iron, vitamin B, fat, fiber and anti-oxidants. Along with this, it is the best source of calcium. At the same time, it is full of iron for the formation of sesame blood. It contains selenium, which is beneficial for thyroid patients. By including it in the diet, bones are strengthened. You can also eat by putting chutney, salad and parathas.