Pulmonary fibrosis is generally a disease related to the lungs. When this problem occurs, the tissues around the lungs become thick and hard. Pulmonary fibrosis also causes scarring in the tissues near the lungs. However, there can be many reasons responsible for pulmonary fibrosis. Due to this disease the lungs can stop working completely.
Is pulmonary fibrosis caused by air pollution?
According to experts, pulmonary fibrosis can occur due to air pollution. This is the same part of pulmonary fibrosis. This problem not only causes lung damage but also increases the risk of lung damage. This disease can cause the lungs to stop contracting properly in the short term and its effects can be seen in the long term as well.
due to pulmonary fibrosis
– You have stayed away from coal dust and grain dust etc.
– If you are undergoing chemotherapy and who take medicines.
– Medicines used during cardiac arrhythmia.
– Radiation therapy during cancer.
Symptoms of Pulmonary Fibrosis
– The person finds it difficult to breathe.
– People who have pulmonary fibrosis must be given dry cough.
– Pulmonary fibrosis causes sudden weight loss.
– People who have pulmonary fibrosis feel tired.