Asafoetida is definitely present in every Indian’s kitchen. Asafoetida is definitely used to enhance the taste of food. Asafoetida is usually used in most Indian dishes. Asafoetida enhances the taste of food and its aroma is very good. It is very good for health. By the way, asafoetida is rich in many medicinal properties. It has properties like anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, it is beneficial for many health related problems. Let’s know about the benefits of eating asafoetida-
Provides relief from headache
Asafoetida contains a good amount of anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in reducing headache and swelling. Headache is cured by consuming asafoetida.Beneficial for digestion
Asafoetida has medicinal properties, which are very beneficial for digestion. If you consume a pinch of asafoetida on your stomach, you get relief from problems like indigestion, stomach pain, gas and bloating.
Beneficial for blood pressure
Asafoetida has many medicinal properties, which helps in improving blood circulation in the body and preventing blood clots. Consuming asafoetida on an empty stomach helps in controlling blood pressure.
Metabolism is boosted
Many properties are found in asafoetida, which are beneficial for metabolism. In such a situation, consuming it on an empty stomach will boost metabolism.
Beneficial in respiratory problems
Asafoetida is very beneficial in many ways. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. In such a situation, consuming it is beneficial in respiratory problems like bronchitis and asthma.