With increasing age, eyesight starts decreasing. But nowadays even young people have eye related problems. However, many reasons may be responsible behind this. Sitting in front of a laptop or mobile screen for a long time, watching too much TV and lack of nutrients can also weaken the eyes. To keep the eyes healthy, right lifestyle and right eating habits are very important.
At the same time, you can increase eyesight with the help of yoga. In such a situation, today through this article we are going to tell you about some such yogasanas, whose daily practice will keep your eyes healthy and can improve your eyesight.
Also read: Sexual Relation: Passing urine after sexual relation reduces the chances of pregnancy, know the truth related to this myth.
To do Balasana, sit on your knees on the yoga mat.
Then put your entire body weight on your heels.
Now take a deep breath and bend forward and make sure that your chest touches the thighs.
After this try to touch the floor with your forehead.
After remaining in this position for a few seconds, come back to normal position.
Repeat this process 3-5 times.
To do this asana, lie down on your back on the yoga mat.
Keep your hands close to the body and palms facing the ground.
Then while inhaling, slowly raise the legs and make an angle of 90 degrees.
Now lift your back upwards and exhale.
After this, slowly try to touch the toes of the feet to the ground.
Stay in this position for 30 seconds and then slowly return to normal position.
Repeat this process at least 3-5 times.
To do this asana, first of all sit in Sukhasana position on the yoga mat.
Now spread both the legs towards the front, the heels and toes will meet.
Then while exhaling, bend forward and hold the toe with both hands.
After this, touch your forehead with your knees and keep both elbows on the ground.
Stay in this process for 1-2 minutes.
Then come back to your normal state.
Repeat this process 3-5 times.
First of all, lie down on your back on the yoga mat.
Then raise your legs and support the waist with both hands.
Now keep your legs straight.
After this, after staying in this posture for 30-50 seconds, come back to normal state.
Repeat this process 3-5 times.